Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I just got my ableton live 8 upgrade... Haven't installed it yet but very excited non the less. 

Here's an overview of the new additions to live, including track grouping and cross fades, which were two features common on other music software platforms that I was very surprised ableton never had before.

And also, check out this tutorial video on how to create an awesome kick drum sample with the new effect ableton plugin Operator with just a sine wave...  pretty awesome.


  1. All this programming stuff goes right over my head. My fella tried to explain it all to me once when I was helping him out at the studeo... but I blanked out. I do know how to set up a mic though. pop shield and all. GO ME.

  2. You are a musical genius, you are just brilliant and enlightening. This stuff looks awesome...I wish I had the knack for it.
